Vehicle Homologations European Homologations
European Homologations
To be allowed to circulate in Europe, each vehicle must meet the requirements of safety and environmental protection as specified by the CE directives and regulations. For categories L and M vehicles (mopeds and vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers, with at least four wheels) only the European Homologation is accepted.
The European Homologation is the homologation that each state of the European Union can issue, following a request by the manufacturer and on the basis of the positive results, after the controls carried out by the entities in charge, by sending a copy to all member states. The advantage of obtaining such approval is the ability to register the vehicles in all European countries, without further checks and tests.
The partial CE/ECE homologation is the procedure whereby a Member State of the European Union certifies that a type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit satisfies the relevant administrative provisions and technical requirements of the relevant directive.
In the field of European Homologations, Tekro Consulting Srls is pleased to offer you the following services:
Control of the administrative documentation from the construction company;
Preparing the homologation requests to the Ministry of Transport
Support the accreditation of the construction company at the Test Center in Rome;
Modules preparation and presentation to expert delegates;
Appointment of the homologation procedure responsible;
Preparation of technical equipment datasheets;
Writing of test reports;
Administrative assistance to the Ministry of Transport for the preparation of reports and homologation certificates;
Requests for any equipment in derogation;
Technical assistance to the homologation tests
Technical control of the homologation process;
Administrative assistance in the offices of the Ministry of Transport and the relative Technical Centre;
Control the issue of certificates, technical and administrative documentation;
Participation in additional technical meetings, required by the officials of the Ministry at their offices;
Continuous technical assistance on homologated machines (only homologation procedures that we followed), after the issuing of European certificates;
For vehicles that already have the European Homologation Certificate further checks and tests at the national level are still required, so that they can circulate on the road. This procedure is called Transposition of European Homologation.
With regard to the transposition for Italy of the just obtained homologation, we will get you the best deal!